My Story

On Wednesday, October 21, at 7:37 a.m. I received a phone call from my family doctor. She shared I have cancer and at that moment I knew my life would be forever changed. After a CT scan of my stomach the previous day, they discovered I had a tumor in my Pancreas and spots on my Liver. My wife Meagan and I met with our Oncologist later that afternoon and the battle planning began!

The result was Stage 4 pancreatic cancer. Next steps included scheduling an appointment to have a port put in my chest and over the next week and a half or so I’ll start very aggressive chemotherapy. For my chemotherapy, I will spend 4 plus hours at my Oncologists office then the next two days at home with a med pump continuing the chemotherapy. I will do this every other week for three months. After each three-month period, I will have another CT scan and my blood levels will be analyzed to check on my progress and then we will adapt from there. I literally watched my beautiful wife’s heart break as the reality of our situation hit her while we talked with our Oncologist.

So, what now.... the heck if I know...Ha! Since the day we received the news I have prepared for war! I have been working out and eating the best I can possibly can in preparation of potential treatment routes. I’ve loved and appreciated my family and friends deeply everyday and pray throughout the day to God for me and others battling cancer. I strive to continue to live my normal life. I have shared tears with many of you and have received so much love, prayers, and support! I learned from day one that it takes an army to battle cancer and preparations are being made to help support my family and I as this battle continues!

But, with this news I hate that it brings sadness to my family, friends, co-workers, and strangers I don’t even know. From day one it was especially hard to tell Stephen “Strong’s” mom, Marianna. Because I knew Stephen would eventually know. I was supposed to be there to support him and never in a million years would I have imagined he would be there to walk by my side as I battle cancer. He has sent me so many touching messages and videos to help me so far! This little warrior has taught me how to be strong for this battle!

On day one you knocked me to the ground. But you messed up, because you knocked me on my back and when I looked up, I saw God, family, friends, co-workers, strangers, doctors, and nurses extending their hands to help me up. I’m up now and prepared for this fight, with all of you behind my family and me!

"-Warriors like me, we’re strategically designed for the struggle! I am now a cancer Warrior!"

Loken Strong Items

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